
Momentan am trei carti 'pe noptiera' - manualul de la Glenans, Blue Ocean Strategy (desi sotia mi-a pus-o linga cartile de marinarie, asta e mai mult despre 'navigarea' economiei) si Hocus Pocus de Kurt Vonnegut.
Afara de publicatiile cu muieri despuiate :D ce alte carti mai lectureaza barcagii?

Prefer femeile reale, nu pe cele din publicatii ;). Citesc carti tehnice si economice prin natura ocupatiei, si ca hobby citesc SF, carti de calatorie, literatura istorica, de multe ori recitind cu mare placere carti citite demult. Cartile preferate: Picnic la marginea drumului, de fratii Strugatki, si Caderea Constantinopolelui de Vintila Corbul.
Momentan, Adâncuri, de Frank Schatzing.
Vali, mi-ai atins un punct sensibil cu Picnic la marginea drumului, de fraţii Strugaţki. Este o carte genială pe care o recomand tuturor. S-a făcut şi un film după ea în 1979, Stalker, iar regizorul este nimeni altul decât Andrei Tarkovski.
Refuz sa cred ca doar lui Smokey ii plac ceva carti scrise de si despre spook(ie) :D

Gordievsky, Oleg; Andrew, Christopher (1990). KGB: The Inside Story. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-48561-2.

Gordievsky, Oleg; Andrew, Christopher (1990). The KGB. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-016605-3.

Gordievsky, Oleg; Andrew, Christopher (1991). Instructions from the Centre: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations, 1975-85. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-56650-7.

Gordievsky, Oleg; Andrew, Christopher (1992). More Instructions from the Centre: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations, 1975-85. Frank Cass Publishers. ISBN 0-7146-3475-1.

Gordievsky, Oleg (1995). Next Stop Execution (autobiography). Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-62086-0.

Jakob Andersen med Oleg Gordievsky: "De Re Spioner - KGB's operationer i Danmark fra Stalin til Jeltsin, fra Stauning til Nyrup", Copenhagen (2002).

George Blake "Transparent Walls"

George Blake "No Other Choice" ISBN 0-671-74155-1

George Blake Superspy by H. Montgomery Hyde. Constable, 1987. ISBN 0 09 468140 6

The First Directorate by Oleg Kalugin. St. Martins' Press, 1994.

No Other Choice by George Blake. Jonathan Cape, London, 1990. ISBN 0 224 03067 1

Nigel West, Seven Spies Who Changed the World. London: Secker & Warburg, 1991 (hard cover). London: Mandarin, 1992 (paperback).

Biography, George Blake

Sean Bourke, The Springing of George Blake. London: Cassell, 1970. ISBN 0 304 93590 5

Michael Randle & Pat Pottle, The Blake Escape. How we Freed George Blake and Why. London: Harrap, 1989. ISBN 0 245 54781 9

Kevin O'Connor, Blake, Bourke, and the End of Empires. London: Prendeville Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0 95356 973 X

David Stafford, Spies Beneath Berlin. London: John Murray, 2002. ISBN 0 7195 6323 2

Edward Chapman and Frank Owen The Eddie Chapman Story, Pub: Messner, New York City, 1953 (ASIN B0000CIO9B)

Nicholas Booth, "Zigzag - The Incredible Wartime Exploits of Double Agent Eddie Chapman", 2007, Portrait, London (ISBN 0749951567)

Ben Macintyre, "Agent Zigzag: The True Wartime Story of Eddie Chapman,

Lover, Betrayer, Hero, Spy", Bloomsbury, London, 2007, (ISBN 0747587949)

Inside Soviet Military Intelligence, 1984, ISBN 0-02-615510-9

Jerrold L. Schecter and Peter S. Deriabin, The Spy Who Saved the World:

How a Soviet Colonel Changed the Course of the Cold War, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992. ISBN 0684190680

Masterman, J. C. The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939?945. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1972. [pb] New York: Avon Books, 1972. New York: Ballantine, 1982. ISBN 0-345-29743-1.

Nigel West, Seven Spies Who Changed the World. London: Secker & Warburg, 1991 (hard cover). London: Mandarin, 1992 (paperback).

The First Directorate: My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West by Oleg Kalugin and Fen Montaigne. 1994.374 pages. St Martins Pr. ISBN 0-312-11426-5

Spymaster: The Highest-ranking KGB Officer Ever to Break His Silence by Oleg Kalugin and Fen Montaigne. 1995. Blake Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1-85685-101-X

Victor Cherkashin, "Spy Handler: Memoir of a KGB Officer. The True Story of The Man Who recruited Robert Hanssen & Aldrich Ames", Basic, 2005, ISBN 0-465-00968-9

Christopher Andrew, and Vasili Mitrokhin. (1999) The Sword and the Shield : The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB. New York: Basic Books

Earley, Pete. Confessions of a Spy: The Real Story of Aldrich Ames ISBN 0-425-16712-7

Maas, Peter. Killer Spy: The Inside Story of the FBI's Pursuit and Capture of Aldrich Ames, America's Deadliest Spy, Warner, 1995, ISBN 0-446-51973-1

Wise, David. Nightmover: How Aldrich Ames sold the CIA to the KGB for $4.6 Million, HarperCollins, 1995, ISBN 0060171987

Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief, 1987. ISBN 0-89526-570-2 Ion Mosh Pacepa :)
Red Horizons: the 2nd Book. The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu's

Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption, 1990. ISBN 0-89526-746-2
The Kremlin Legacy, 1993 Ion Mosh Pacepa :)

Cartea neagra a Securitatii, Editura Omega, Bucharest, 1999. ISBN 9-73987-454-1 Ion Mosh Pacepa :)

Matei Pavel Haiducu (original nane) french name, Matei Pavel Forrestier
"J'ai Refus?De Tuer "I Refused to Kill"

Marius Oprea, "Banalitatea raului: o istorie a Securitatii documente, 1949-1989", Polirom, Iasi, 2002 ISBN 973-683-927-3

Feklisov, Alexandre, The Man Behind the Rosenbergs: Memoirs of the KGB Spymaster Who Also Controlled Klaus Fuchs and Helped Resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis, New York: Enigma, 2001. ISBN 1-929631-08-1

Anatoliy Golitsyn. New Lies for Old G. S. G. & Associates, Incorporated, 1990, ISBN 0-945-00113-4

Anatoliy Golitsyn. The Perestroika Deception : Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency Edward Harle Ltd; 2nd Ed edition (1998) ISBN 1-899-79803-X

John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr (2000). Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-08462-5.

Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America—the Stalin Era (New York: Random House, 1999).

Earl M. Hyde, "Bernard Schuster and Joseph Katz: KGB Master Spies in the United States", International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 12:1 (1999): 35-57. doi:10.1080/088506099305214

Alexander Korzhakov, Boris Yeltsin : Ot Rasveta Do Zakata (English: Boris Yeltsin : From Dusk to Dawn), Interbuk, 1997 ISBN 5-88589-039-0

Milt Bearden and James Risen, "The Main Enemy: The inside story of the CIA's final showdown with the KGB", Ballantine, 2003, ISBN 0-345-47250-0

Pavel Sudoplatov, Anatoli Sudoplatov, Jerrold L. Schecter, Leona P. Schecter, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness—A Soviet Spymaster, Little Brown, Boston (1994).

Stanislav Alexandrovich Levchenko, On the Wrong Side: My Life in the KGB, in 1988.

Howe, Russell Warren, Sleeping with the FBI: Sex, Booze, Russians and the Saga of an American Counterspy Who Couldn't, Washington, DC, National Press Books, 1993

Vasili Mitrokhin and Christopher Andrew, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB, Basic Books (1999), hardcover, ISBN 0-465-00310-9; trade paperback (September, 2000), ISBN 0-465-00312-5

Vasili Mitrokhin and Christopher Andrew, The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, Basic Books (2005) hardcover, 677 pages ISBN 0-465-00311-7

Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, Gardners Books (2000), ISBN 0-14-028487-7

Bagley, Tennent H. Spy Wars: Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games. Yale University Press (April 2007).

Mangold, Tom. Cold Warrior - James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter. Touchstone Books; Reprint edition (May 1992). (3) Helms, Richard. "A look over my shoulder" (2002)

Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy
KGB in Japan. Spy who loved Tokio

"Russian Americans: A New KGB Asset"

Nikita Petrov, "The First Chairman of the KGB: Ivan Serov" (Pervy predsedatel KGB : Ivan Serov), Moscow: Materik (2005) ISBN 5-85646-129-0

Viktor Suvorov, "Inside Soviet Military Intelligence" (1984), ISBN 0-02-615510-9

Victor Cherkashin, "Spy Handler: Memoir of a KGB Officer",

Wise, David. Spy: The Inside Story of How the FBI's Robert Hanssen Betrayed America. 2003, Random House, paperback.
American spy : my secret history in the CIA, Watergate, and beyond / E. Howard Hunt ; with Greg Aunapu ; foreword by William F. Buckley, Jr. (2007)

Ronald Kessler: The CIA At War: Inside The Secret Campaign Against Terror, 2004, ISBN 0-312-31933-9.

Ronald Kessler: The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI, 2003, ISBN 0-312-98977-6.
Ronald Kessler: The FBI: Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency, 1994, ISBN 0-671-78658-X.

Ronald Kessler: Inside the CIA, 1994, ISBN 0-671-73458-X.
Ronald Kessler: Escape from the CIA: How the CIA Won and Lost the Most Important KGB Spy Ever to Defect to the U.S., 1991, ISBN 0-671-72664-1.

Ronald Kessler: The spy in the Russian club : how Glenn Souther stole America's nuclear war plans and escaped to Moscow, ASIN B00005WXWM, 1990.

Ronald Kessler: Spy Vs Spy: Stalking Soviet Spies in America, 1988, ISBN 0-7153-9337-5.

A Secret Life: The Polish Officer, His Covert Mission, and the Price He Paid to Save His Country, by Benjamin Weiser. ISBN 1891620541

Soviet Spy Ring, by Arthur Tietjen, published by Pan Books, (1961)
SPY, The memoirs of Gordon Lonsdale Hawthorn Books NY (1965)

Spy Book The Encyclopedia of Espionage, by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen, published by Greenhill Books, ISBN 1-85367-278-5 (1997)

Philby, Harold Adrian Russell [Kim (1912?988), spy] by Nigel Clive in Dictionary of National Biography online (accessed 11 November 2007)

Ivanova, Rufina et al., The Private Life of Kim Philby: The Moscow Years (2000)

Anthony Cave Brown, "C": The Secret Life of Sir Stewart Menzies, Spymaster to Winston Churchill (Macmillan Publishing Co., 1987) ISBN 0-02-517390-1

Ken Follett, "The Oldest Boy of British Intelligence" The New York Times, 27 December 1987. 3 pages review of Brown's biography and Mahl's book.

Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44, (Brassey's Inc., 1999) ISBN 10: 1574882236

Spy Book The Encyclopedia of Espionage, by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen, published by Greenhill Books, ISBN 1-85367-278-5 (1997)

Boris Morros, My Ten Years as a Counter-Spy (London: Werner Laurie, 1959).

Mangold, Tom. Cold Warrior - James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter. Touchstone Books; Reprint edition (May 1992).

Helms, Richard. "A look over my shoulder" (2002)

Alexander Orlov, The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes. Random House, 1953.

John Costello and Oleg Tsarev, Deadly Illusions: The KGB Orlov Dossier. Crown, 1993. ISBN 0-517-58850-1

Alexander Orlov, The Handbook of Intelligence and Guerrilla Warfare, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1963.

Edward Gazur, Secret Assignment: the FBI's KGB General, St Ermin's Press, 2002 ISBN 0-9536151-7-0

Alexander Orlov, The March of Time, St Ermin's Press, 2004 ISBN 1-903608-05-8

Herbert Arthur Philbrick, I Led Three Lives: Citizen, 'Communist', Counterspy, Revised edition, The Capitol Hill Press, 1973, hardcover, ISBN 0-88221-003-3. First published in 1952 by McGraw Hill, reprinted by Grosset & Dunlap.

Kim Philby, My Silent War, published by Macgibbon & Kee Ltd, London, 1968, or Granda Publishing, ISBN 0-586-02860-9. Introduction by Graham Greene
Bruce Page, David Leitch and Phillip Knightley, Philby: The Spy Who Betrayed a Generation, 1968, published by Andr?Deutsch, Ltd., London.

Eleanor Philby, Kim Philby: The Spy I Married, 1967, published by Ballantine Books, New York. Published in the UK as Kim Philby:

The Spy I Loved by Hamish Hamilton (1967).

Patrick Seale and Maureen McConville, Philby: The Long Road to Moscow, 1973, published by Hamish Hamilton, London.

Genrikh Borovik, The Philby Files, 1994, published by Little, Brown & Company Limited, Canada, ISBN 0316910155 .

Introduction by Phillip Knightley.
Phillip Knightley, Philby: KGB Masterspy 2003, published by Andre Deutsch Ltd, London, ISBN 0233000488.
See also:

Richard Beeston, Looking For Trouble: The Life and Times of a Foreign Correspondent, 1997, published by Brassey's, London.

Desmond Bristow, A Game of Moles, 1993, published by Little Brown & Company, London.

Miranda Carter, Anthony Blunt: His Lives, 2001, published by Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York.
Anthony Cave Brown, "C": The Secret Life of Sir Stewart Graham Menzies, Spymaster to Winston Churchill, 1987, published by Macmillan, New York.

Anthony Cave Brown, Treason in the Blood: H. St. John Philby, Kim Philby, and the Spy Case of the Century, 1994, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

John Fisher, Burgess and Maclean, 1977, published by Robert Hale, London.
S. J. Hamrick, Deceiving the Deceivers, 2004, published by Yale University Press, New Haven.

Phillip Knightley, The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century, 1986, published by W.W. Norton & Company, London.
Yuri Modin, My Five Cambridge Friends, 1994, published by Farrar Strauss Giroux, Paris.

Malcolm Muggeridge, The Infernal Grove: Chronicles of Wasted Time: Number 2, 1974, published by William Morrow & Company, New York.

Barrie Penrose & Simon Freeman, Conspiracy of Silence: The Secret Life of Anthony Blunt, 1986, published by Farrar Straus Giroux, New York.

Nigel West, editor, The Guy Liddell Diaries: Vol. I: 1939-1942, 2005, published by Routledge, London

Nigel West & Oleg Tsarev, The Crown Jewels: The British Secrets at the Heart of the KGB Archives, 1998, published by Yale University Press, New Haven.

Norman Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene, Volume Two:1939-1955, (Jonathan Cape, London, 1994), p.183

The War Within by Clark Comer, 1961.

Operation Portland, the autobiography of a spy by Harry Houghton, 1972.

Spy, memoirs of Gordon Lonsdale by Gordon Lonsdale, 1965.

Spy Book The Encyclopedia of Espionage, by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen, published by Greenhill Books, ISBN 1-85367-278-5 (1997)

Wolf, Markus; McElvoy, Anne (14 May 1999). The Man Without a Face. New York: PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1-89162-012-6.

Gregg Herken. Brotherhood of the Bomb. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2002.
746, 747, 748 Venona New York KGB to Moscow 25 May 1942 Data on construction and distribution of U.S. military aircraft.
1061, 0162, 1063 Venona New York KGB to Moscow 3 July 1943 p.1 p.2 Numerical strength of the United States Army Air Forces

Furgesen, D. (1973). The Iron Will, The Cold War and its Warriors.

Issacs, Jeremy; Taylor Downing (1998). Cold War: An Illustrated History, 1945-1991. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.. ISBN 9780316439534. OCLC 38024183.

Kelly, Sean (1993). America's Tyrant: The CIA and Mobutu of Zaire. American University Press. ISBN 9781879383173. OCLC 59811798.

Devlin, Larry (2007). Chief of Station, Congo: Fighting the Cold War in a Hot Zone. New York: PublicAffairs. ISBN 9781586484057. OCLC 82672210.
Blum, William (1995). Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press. ISBN 9781567510522. OCLC 32242504

Greg Harkin and Martin Ingram (2004), Stakeknife: Britain's secret agents in Ireland, O'Brien Press

Hans Tanner, "Counter-Revolutionary Agent"

Alone (Alene) 1985
Section K (Avdeling K) 1991
Shades of grey (Gr?oner) 2004 Autobiography

Burnham, James Web of Subversion

Kim Philby, My Silent War: The Autobiography of a Spy

Howard Blum; I Pledge Allegiance: The True Story of the Walkers: an American Spy Family; Simon & Schuster Books, 1987, ISBN 0-671-62614-0

Kneece, Jack; Family Treason: The Walker Spy Case; Paperjacks, 1988, ISBN 0-7701-0793-1

Robert W. Hunter; Spy Hunter: Inside the FBI Investigation of the Walker Espionage Case; Naval Institute Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55750-349-4

Wolf, Markus (with Anne McElvoy); Memoirs of a Spymaster; Pimlico; ISBN 0-7126-6655-9

Penrose, Barrie & Freeman, Simon (1987), Conspiracy of Silence: The Secret Life of Anthony Blunt, New York: Farrar Straus Giroux.

Turnbull, Malcolm (1989), The Spycatcher Trial: The Scandal Behind the #1 Best Seller, Topsfield, Massechussetts: Salem House Publishers.

Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency by Thomas F. Troy, CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1981.

Wild Bill Donovan: The Last Hero, by Anthony Cave Brown, New York: Times Books, 1982.

OSS: The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency, by R. Harris Smith, University of California Press, 1972.

Allen Dulles: Master of Spies, by James Srodes, Washington: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1999.

Father Duffy’s Story, by Fr. Francis Patrick Duffy, George H. Doran Company, 1919.
A Doughboy with the Fighting 69th, by Albert M. and A. Churchill Ettinger, Simon & Schuster, 1992.

The Shamrock Battalion of the Rainbow: A Story of the Fighting Sixty-Ninth, by Martin J. Hogan, D. Appleton, 1919.

Into Siam, by Nicol and Blake Clark, Bobbs-Merrill, 1946.

No Banners, No Bands, by Robert Alcorn, D. McKay, 1965.
Americans All, the Rainbow at War: The Official History of the 42nd Rainbow Division in the World War, by Henry J. Reilly, F.J. Heer, 1936.

A man called Intrepid: The secret war" Stevenson, William, ISBN: 0333193776 (Excellent Read)

The True Intrepid - Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown Agents by Bill Macdonald, with a foreword by CIA staff historian Thomas F. Troy (2002) - ISBN 1-55192-418-8

Inside Camp X by Lynn Philip Hodgson, with a foreword by Secret Agent 'Andy Durovecz (2003) - ISBN 0-9687062-0-7

Counterfeit spies: genuine or bogus? : an astonishing investigation into secret agents of the Second World War (1998) Nigel West - ISBN 0-7515-2670-3

The Quiet Canadian - Life of Sir William Stephenson by H. Montgomery Hyde (1962) - ISBN 0-09-468780-3

Camp X by Eric Walters - ISBN 0-14-131326-5

Graff, Vincent (24-30 November 2007). "Know Your Enemy". Radio Times (48): 26-29.

Buckley, William F., Jr. Spytime: the Undoing of James Jesus Angleton: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2000. ISBN 0-15-100513-3.

Engelberg, Stephen."James Angleton, Counterintelligence Figure, Dies". The New York Times, May 12, 1987, Late City Final Edition, Section D, Page 31, Column 1.

Epstein, Edward Jay. Deception: The Invisible War between the CIA and the KGB. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989. ISBN 0-671-41543-3.

Hersh, Seymour. "Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in US against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents During Nixon Years". The New York Times, December 22, 1974, p. 1.

Hersh, Seymour. "President Tells Colby to Speed Report on CIA". The New York Times, December 24, 1974, p. 43.

Hersh, Seymour. "3 More Aides Quit in CIA Shake-Up". The New York Times, December 30, 1974, p. 51.

Hersh, Seymour. "The Angleton Story". The New York Times Magazine, June 25, 1978, p. SM4.
Latham, Aaron. Orchids for Mother: A Novel. New York: Bantam Books, 1985. ISBN 0-553-25407-3. Fictional account of Angleton.

Mangold, Tom. Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991. ISBN 0-671-66273-2.

Martin David C. Wilderness of Mirrors: Intrigue, Deception, and the Secrets that Destroyed Two of the Cold War's Most Important Agents. New York: Harper & Row, 1980; Boston: The Lyons Press, 2003 (reprinted). ISBN 0-06-013037-7; ISBN 1-58574-824-2.

Petit, Chris. The Passenger. London: Simon & Schuster, 2006. ISBN 0-7432-0946-X. A thriller/spy-novel which involves Angleton as a central character.

Black, Ian. Morris, Benny. Israel's Secret Wars: A History of Israel's Intelligence Services. New York: Grove Press, 1991. ISBN 0-8021-1159-9, 82-84 p.

Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi. Every Spy a Prince: The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Community. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. ISBN 0-395-47102-8 p. 20

Eshed, Haggai. Reuven Shiloah - the Man Behind the Mossad; Secret Diplomacy in the Creation of Israel. Frank Cass, 1997. ISBN 0-7146-4812-4

Thomas Gordon. Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. ISBN 0-312-25284-6, 58-60 p

Central Intelligence Agency. "Israel. Foreign Intelligence and Security Services, 1979". Included in the volume "Documents from the US Espionage Den", Tehran, 1982.

Efraim Halevy, Man in the Shadows

Efraim Halevy, The role of the intelligence community in the age of strategic alternatives for Israel.

George Jonas, Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team, ISBN 0-67-150611-0

Ben-Menashe, Ari. Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Sheridan Square Press. ISBN 1-879823-01-2

Honegger, Barbara. October Surprise. Tudor Publishing Company, 1989. ISBN 0-944276-46-6

Davies, Nick. The Unknown Maxwell. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1992. ISBN 0-283-06160-X

Ostrovsky, Victor. By Way of Deception. Wilshire Press. ISBN 978-0971759503

The Other Side of Deception (1995) - A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda

Derek Taunt, "Breaking German Naval Enigma", p. 111 in Action this Day, edited by Ralph Erskine and Michael Smith, 2001, ISBN 0-593-04982-9.

Rimington, Stella (2001). Open Secret: The Autobiography of the Former Director-General of MI5. London: Hutchinson. ISBN 0-09-179360-2.

Pavel Corut, "Quinta sparta", "Fulgerul albastru" din volumul "Octogonul"

Pavel Corut, Autobiografie, "Un om"

Infern '89 : povestea unui condamnat la moarte Silex, Bucharest (2000) ISBN 9739356141 Mircea Raceanu

Cartea Alba a Securitatii, vol. I, 1997 II, III :

Vasile Craciunoiu, Fata nevazuta a Securitatii romane. Spionaj si contraspionaj, 1996

Dennhis Deletant, Influenta sovietica asupra securitatii romane. 1944-1953, Memoria ca forma de justitie, 1994

Dennis Deletant, Ceausescu and the Securitate. Corecion and dissent in Romania (1965-1989), 1997

Cosma Neagu, Cupola. Securitatea vazuta din interior, 1994

Cosma Neagu, Securitatea, politia politica, dosare, informatori, 1998

Marius Oprea, Pagini din copilaria Securitatii romane, Dosarele istoriei, nr. 5/1996

Mihai Pelin, Culisele spionajului romanesc. DIE. 1955-1980, 1999*

Gheorghe Ratiu, Cutia Pandorei. Arhivele Securitatii, surprize si capcane,

Michael Straight, After Long Silence: the Man Who Exposed Anthony Blunt Tells for the First Time the Story of the Cambridge Spy Network from the Inside, London, Collins, 1983, ISBN 0-00-217001-

Robert Lindsey, The Flight of the Falcon: The True Story of the Escape and Manhunt for America's Most Wanted Spy, Simon & Schuster, 1983, ISBN 0-671-45159-6

Harvey E. Klehr and Ronald Radosh, The Amerasia Spy Case: Prelude to McCarthyism (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1996) ISBN 0807822450, p. 21

Buckley, William F., Jr. Spytime: the Undoing of James Jesus Angleton: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2000. ISBN 0-15-100513-3.

The Game of Nations: The Amorality of Power Politics, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970

Without Cloak or Dagger: The Truth About the New Espionage, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974

The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA's Original Political Operative, London: Aurum Press, 1989

Vin Arthey, "Like Father Like Son, A Dynasty of Spies", St. Ermin's Press, Trafalgar Square (February, 2005), hardcover, 288 pages, ISBN 1-903608-07

Alexander Orlov, Cambridge Five, Rosenberg Ring, Volunteer Group, Perseus. (Laes)
Louise Bernikow, Abel, Hodder and Stoughton, 1970, hardcover, ISBN 0-340-12593-4; trade paperback, Ballantine Books, 1982, ISBN 0-345-30212-5
Nigel West (Rupert Allason)

Games of Intelligence: The Classified Conflict of International Espionage., Crown, 1990, hardcover, ISBN 0-517-57811-5

Pavel Sudoplatov, Anatoli Sudoplatov, Jerrold L. Schecter, Leona Schecter, Anatolii Pavlovich Sudopl, Special tasks :the memoirs of an unwanted witness, a Soviet spymaster, Little Brown, 1994, hardcover, ISBN 0-316-77352-2;

The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America - the Stalin Era, Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, Random House, New York, 1999.

Haynes, John Earl, and Klehr, Harvey, Early Cold War Spies: The Espionage Trials that Shaped American Politics, Cambridge University Press (2006)

The Ultimate Spy Book by H. Keith Melton, ISBN 0-86438-875-6

Robert Chadwell Williams, Klaus Fuchs: Atom Spy (Harvard University Press, 1987) ISBN 0-674-50507-7

Soviet Spy Ring, by Arthur Tietjen, published by Pan Books, (1961)

The Intelligence Game: The Illusions and Delusions of International Espionage. IB Taurus, p127. ISBN 1850433380.

Coggin, Janet (1999). The Spy's Wife. Constable & Robinson. ISBN 0094794901.

Robert Lamphere and Tom Shachtman, The FBI-KGB War (New York: Random House, 1986)

Roberts, Sam [2001] (2003). The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case, 2003 Random House Trade Paperback edition (in English), New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks. ISBN 0-375-76124-1.

Gunter Guillaume "Die Aussage in 1988".

White, G. Edward (2005). Alger Hiss's Looking-Glass Wars: The Covert Life of a Soviet Spy. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-518255-3.

Christine Keeler "Profumo's mistress"

Wright, Peter (1987) Spycatcher, Viking Penguin Inc. New York and London

West, Nigel (1987) Mole Hunt, Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, London

Soviet Spy Ring, by Arthur Tietjen, published by Pan Books, (1961)
Spy Book The Encyclopedia of Espionage, by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen, published by Greenhill Books, ISBN 1-85367-278-5 (1997)

Give Us This Day: The Inside Story of the CIA and the Bay of Pigs Invasion—by One of Its Key Organizers (1973)

Undercover : memoirs of an American secret agent / by E. Howard Hunt (1974)
Aouleu simba draga, lucrezi la un doctorat despre serviciile secrete mondiale???
Eu nu mai citesc decat in interes de servici, si am destul de citit. Mai demult citeam tot ce imi cadea sub mana, de la SF si romane politiste trecand prin clasicii literaturii universale la istorie, memorialistica, etc. Acuma gata, jobul presupune citit mult, cand nu trag la jug mai bag o carte nautica de pe net.
Mai citesc si forumul, forma lui de foileton interactiv e interesanta. :skip::iupi:
Vali, mi-ai atins un punct sensibil cu Picnic la marginea drumului, de fraţii Strugaţki. Este o carte genială pe care o recomand tuturor. S-a făcut şi un film după ea în 1979, Stalker, iar regizorul este nimeni altul decât Andrei Tarkovski.

Prima data am citit-o in Almanahul Anticipatia, si dupa aia pur si simplu toate SF-urile mi s-au parut povesti nesarate de adormit copii, incepand cu Dune si terminand cu Fundatia (scuze de blasfemie, dar pt mine asta e adevarul). Se cunoaste ca e scrisa de cineva care a trait oroarea comunismului, e foarte dura si profunda, fara nici un fel de concesie comerciala. Filmul este chiar mai profund, dar si mai subtil, pentru un neavenit este greu de metabolizat. Chiar intre cartile fratilor Strugatki, cartea asta e neegalata. "Scarabeul" se mai apropie putin, "Valurile" e mai slaba, a mai ramas sa citesc "Hard to be a god" in engleza ca sa vad cum e. Pentru cei interesati de "Picnic la marginea drumului", se poate citi online in romana aici .
din 2008 pana in iunie 2009 am citit toata reeditarea RAO ale operelor lui Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Toamna Patriarhului, Dragostea in vremea holerei si Cien anos de Soledad, apoi am citit romanul autobiografic A trai pentru a-ti povesti viata din care mi-am facut planurile de citit pentru cativa ani de acum incolo: restul de nuvele si romane mici ale lui G.C. Marquez, le-am terminat, inca o carte biografica scrisa de un prieten de-al lui "Parfum de guaiaba" si acum m-am inhamat la:
James Joyce-Ullise, Nathaniel Hawthorne-Casa cu 7 acoperisuri, William Faulkner-Lumina de august(in prezent la asta sunt), grecii clasici, Andre Gide-Falsificatorii de bani, Franz Kafka-Metamorfoza.
Printre cele recomandate de Marquez s-au strecurat:
Imparatul mustelor de William Golding, Pestisorul de aur - de LeClezio, Limba pasarolor de andrei plesu, si vreo 3 de ezoterism din astea "comerciale" dar mi-au placut.
Daca a citit cineva Isaac Asimov - Intrebarea Finala, va rog ziceti sa stiu si eu ca nu sunt singur. :D Cum vi s-a parut?
Recomand asta, nu stiu cat de definitoriu este pentru Romania dar parca parca se apropie de cum mi se par mie romanii prin sudul tarii.(de citit si primul comment)
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