Cu gonflabila in Grecia

Planuiesc o iesire de 2 sapt prin iunie, in Grecia. Transport cu masina proprie, + gonflabila PVC (2,9m lungime) cu motor suzuki 2,5 CP.

Ma gandeam sa gaseam o locatie mai izolata, eventual camping, de unde sa fac mici excursii pe insulite apropiate sau plaje mai izolate. A mai fost cineva cu gonflabila acolo? Apreciez orice sfat pt locatii.

Exista vreo reglementare cu privire la circulatia cu gonflabila in apele Greciei?



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Cu zmeu' prin lume


Zmeu' sus!

Din curiozitate am intrebat la acea data care a fost rezultatul iar o cucoana amabila a raspuns:

"With reference to your email we can inform you as follows:

Currently, the SkySails system on board our multipurpose heavy lift project carrier MV “Beluga SkySails” is being calibrated. So far, the focus is not on applying the system permanently but to optimise its functioning in order to have a stable system. That means that there is no reliable data about fuel savings yet. Throughout the passage from Bremerhaven, Germany to Guanta, Venezuela the system has been applied on several days for few hours. Then, about half a ton of fuel could be saved. Projected to a regular and fully optimised application of the SkySails system the predicted saving potential of ten to 15 percent is absolutely realistic, we consider."

Daca erau zile de vara fara nici o adiere de vint, era deajuns o blonda cocindu-se la soare pe un capac de la o magazie:

Toti :iupi::iupi::iupi:si zmeii pe sus! :D
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