Mic barcaholic
O expeditie cu rol de documentare pe Dunare, de la Viena la Constanta.
Concluziile au fost prezentate in cadrul conferintei Deltei Dunarii, ed. 15.
Cum era de asteptat, legat de frumoasa noastra tara, concluziile sunt cele general valabile pentru turismul nostru: "tara frumoasa, pacat ca-i locuita":
In several countries, mainly Serbia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria, the contact with the authorities (police, lock operators, fishing guards, etc.) is poor. Few public officers on the river speak a second language, mostly russian, and is very difficult to understand instructions, or to explain and answer to questions. The River Police and related administrations are not prepared to have contacts with "little" private yachts, and the communication with them is often very fatiguing. In addition it is a common belief that officers might be corrupted (in one case we even found an official sign at the entrance of the custom office announcing that officers could ask for tips), such conviction was made evident to us in no case, but the problem must be surveyed. The contacts with the public officers are anyway often fatiguing for tourists.
Berthing places Over 1700 Km of river navigation we found only few places where to berth. Most of the places were not having any service, no water nor any system allowing a traveller to safely leave the boat at the pontoon, while disembarking.
Combustible, food supply, and Land Services Almost the same observations as for the berthing and assistance capacity apply.
Concluziile au fost prezentate in cadrul conferintei Deltei Dunarii, ed. 15.
Cum era de asteptat, legat de frumoasa noastra tara, concluziile sunt cele general valabile pentru turismul nostru: "tara frumoasa, pacat ca-i locuita":
In several countries, mainly Serbia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria, the contact with the authorities (police, lock operators, fishing guards, etc.) is poor. Few public officers on the river speak a second language, mostly russian, and is very difficult to understand instructions, or to explain and answer to questions. The River Police and related administrations are not prepared to have contacts with "little" private yachts, and the communication with them is often very fatiguing. In addition it is a common belief that officers might be corrupted (in one case we even found an official sign at the entrance of the custom office announcing that officers could ask for tips), such conviction was made evident to us in no case, but the problem must be surveyed. The contacts with the public officers are anyway often fatiguing for tourists.
Berthing places Over 1700 Km of river navigation we found only few places where to berth. Most of the places were not having any service, no water nor any system allowing a traveller to safely leave the boat at the pontoon, while disembarking.
Combustible, food supply, and Land Services Almost the same observations as for the berthing and assistance capacity apply.