Humminbird socheaza din nou; incepand din luna August, Humminbird va avea disponibil sistemul Humminbird 360 Imaging- un adevarat radar subacvativ
vedeti detalii aici Humminbird: America
Humminbird’s 360 Imaging™ provides a complete around-the-boat, underwater image. With a single sweep, 360 Imaging has the ability to cover a 300-foot diameter circle (70,685 square feet). The module is deployed like a Talon or a Power Pole behind the boat and an angler can sit stationary and scan for cover, structure and fish in a complete circle around the boat. Kevin VanDam has been testing the units with Humminbird engineers and mentioned that they saw a fisheries truck dump a bunch of catfish and gar into the Red River and could see the fish signatures on their 360 imaging.
vedeti detalii aici Humminbird: America
Humminbird’s 360 Imaging™ provides a complete around-the-boat, underwater image. With a single sweep, 360 Imaging has the ability to cover a 300-foot diameter circle (70,685 square feet). The module is deployed like a Talon or a Power Pole behind the boat and an angler can sit stationary and scan for cover, structure and fish in a complete circle around the boat. Kevin VanDam has been testing the units with Humminbird engineers and mentioned that they saw a fisheries truck dump a bunch of catfish and gar into the Red River and could see the fish signatures on their 360 imaging.