MARINE-SHOP.RO va prezinta INTERSPEED ULTRA -- vopsea antifouling pentru barci de agrement de viteza.
Se foloseste la ambarcatiuni cu corp din fibra de sticla,metal sau lemn. Aspect mat, usor de aplicat, perioada de rezistenta contra algelor,vegetatie,melci,scoici,.. 2 ani.
Rata de acoperire: 9.4mp/litru - prin aplicare cu pensula.
Producator: International Yacht Paint( Akzo-Nobel)
Metode de aplicare: trafalet (rola) sau pensula
Ambalaje: 750ml si 2.5litri
Grund folosit: Primocon
Fisa tehnica :
Norme de siguranta:
Preturi( indiferent de culoare) : 54 Euro/750ml -- 153Euro/2.5Litri - preturi cu TVA
Culori disponibile:
Mai jos este formula de calcul pentru vopseaua antivegetativa
How much antifouling paint do I need?
Use these following quick steps to calculate the amount of paint you need:
1. Work out the area to be painted using the appropriate formulation (below).
2. Divide the area by the coverage of the paint you’ve chosen to determine how many litres per coat you will need.
3. Multiply the litres per coat by the number of coats to give your total paint requirement.
Underwater area formulations
LWL = lungimea barcii
B = latimea barcii
D = pescaj
1) Full bodied craft
[Full bodied craft]
LWL x (B + D) = Underwater Area (m2)
2) Fin keeled racing craft
[Fin keeled racing craft]
0.50 x LWL x (B + D) = Underwater Area (m2)
3) Medium draft racing craft
[Medium draft racing craft]
0.75 x LWL x (B + D) = Underwater Area (m2)
Se foloseste la ambarcatiuni cu corp din fibra de sticla,metal sau lemn. Aspect mat, usor de aplicat, perioada de rezistenta contra algelor,vegetatie,melci,scoici,.. 2 ani.
Rata de acoperire: 9.4mp/litru - prin aplicare cu pensula.
Producator: International Yacht Paint( Akzo-Nobel)
Metode de aplicare: trafalet (rola) sau pensula
Ambalaje: 750ml si 2.5litri
Grund folosit: Primocon
Fisa tehnica :
Norme de siguranta:
Preturi( indiferent de culoare) : 54 Euro/750ml -- 153Euro/2.5Litri - preturi cu TVA
Culori disponibile:
Mai jos este formula de calcul pentru vopseaua antivegetativa
How much antifouling paint do I need?
Use these following quick steps to calculate the amount of paint you need:
1. Work out the area to be painted using the appropriate formulation (below).
2. Divide the area by the coverage of the paint you’ve chosen to determine how many litres per coat you will need.
3. Multiply the litres per coat by the number of coats to give your total paint requirement.
Underwater area formulations
LWL = lungimea barcii
B = latimea barcii
D = pescaj
1) Full bodied craft
[Full bodied craft]
LWL x (B + D) = Underwater Area (m2)
2) Fin keeled racing craft
[Fin keeled racing craft]
0.50 x LWL x (B + D) = Underwater Area (m2)
3) Medium draft racing craft
[Medium draft racing craft]
0.75 x LWL x (B + D) = Underwater Area (m2)
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